Dr. Mark Kwaku Nimo, D.Min.

Director of Faith Formation

Email: MNimo@StMosesParish.org

Mark Kwaku Nimo comes from Ghana in West Africa. He is married to Mercy and has three daughters. Mark earned a Masters in Pastoral Studies from Catholic Theological Union in May, 2006 and an Ecumenical Doctor of Ministry in May 2012. He currently serves as Director of Faith Formation at St. Moses the Black Church and Augustus Tolton Catholic Academy in the Archdiocese of Chicago. Through his involvement in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Mark has ministered in over forty countries worldwide on all continents.

For a period of ten years, Mark served as the representative for all Anglophone African countries on the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS) office in the Vatican. Mark spent 6 months on the Island of Malta, for his discipleship training school (DTS) with the International Catholic Programme of Evangelization (ICPE) in 1990. After his training, he spent two years as a lay missionary in Uganda, East Africa working in discipleship training schools at the Emmaus Center (Luwero) and doing ministry to people with HIV/AIDS.


Fr. Cyril Ofuoyne


Brianna Pierce