Our Mission.

My vision, my hope, as Pastor of St. Moses the Black is simple: to bring the love of God to every person I meet, to bring the light of Christ to those who find themselves lost in darkness, and to bring the transforming power of the Holy Spirit to those in need of something new! But this is not a task for me alone—this is what we will are about as a parish family! Drawing on the strength and example of the ancestors, appreciating and valuing the wisdom of our elders, and believing in the vision of our young people we will continue to grow this great parish!

The legacy parishes of St. Clotilde, St. Columbanus, and St. Dorothy have united together to form this new parish. We are beginning a new and exciting chapter of a vibrant Catholic presence in the Greater Grand Crossing and Chatham communities. The wisdom of the past with the people present today is what gives me great hope for what we will be in the future. The Church is not just the buildings; rather, the Church is the People of God living in community and striving to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ!

Through our liturgies, the distribution of food to those in need, the educational excellence of our school, the superb quality of our athletic programs and our pastoral outreach to all of God’s people – we are working hard to build God’s Kingdom! Whether we are bringing people into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, the sacraments, and scripture or fighting against the injustice of violence and oppression, we are strong because Jesus is the center of our lives and the center of all of our activities! As a parish community, we are a source of hope and unspeakable joy in the Archdiocese of Chicago. We strive to show others, through our acts of praise and moments of worship, what it means to be authentically Black and truly Catholic.

I invite you to become a part of the continued spiritual success of our faith community. If you are looking for a Church home, know that we have a place for you here at St. Moses the Black Parish! We welcome you in the name of Jesus, to be a part of our parish family. If I can personally be of any assistance to you know that you can contact me at (773) 224-1022 or via my email address: FrMatt@StMosesParish.org.

May the abundant blessings of Almighty God be yours!

In God’s Peace,

Rev. Matthew S. O’Donnell


St. Moses the Black Parish

Mission Statement

Forming Missionary Disciples to Share God’s Love.

Vision Statement

Rooted in the Black Catholic tradition, we are a culturally diverse parish: focused on sharing God’s love, revealed in Jesus Christ, through radical hospitality, committed outreach and response to our neighbors, and creating a community welcome to all.